Women’s Redrock Music Festival!

The fabulous folks at the Womens Redrock Music Festival in Torrey, UT are hands down the most awesome crowd I’ve had the pleasure of performing for this summer. I played the festival a week or two ago (August 6th) and finally had a chance to put together this music video mash up of my time at the festival.

The day started out great and the town and park were too beautiful to take a nap I badly needed before the show (I know I’m such a hard rock star). Instead I went hiking and just made it back on time to shower and warm up (redeeming lateness rock star quality!).

About 10 minutes into my set the storm started to roll in full force. There was lightning, a little thunder but it was the winds that made me nervous. There were quite a few moments where I thought the lights, the banner, my mic stand or myself was going to blow over they were so fierce. Nothing fell down thankfully, though about a fourth of the banner ripped out of the grommets during my set and had to be taken down afterwards.

All the commotion made the show all the more incredible because the audience was just as relentless and expected a great show from me. I think it is one of the shows I’ll remember for a while because of that. :) We did capture some good footage of the show despite the crazy weather…

The other musicians were superb as well! If you are within driving distance of the festival I highly recommend heading over next year, hopefully I’ll be back too! My two new fav singer/songwriter gals are Becky Alter www.beckyalter.com and Leraine Horstmanshoff www.lerainemusic.com check them out for some very cool tunes!

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